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85. Multiple Access with Time-Hopping Impulse Modulation 770k

A time-hopping modulation format employing impulsee signal technology has several features which may make it attractive for multiple-access communications. These features are outlined, an estimate of the multiple-access capability of a communication system employing this format under ideal propagation conditions is presented, and emerging design issues are described.

Author:  R.A. Scholtz  
Pages/Year: 5 /1993


86. Report: Assessment of Ultra-Wideband (UWB) Technology 345k

The Defence Advanced Research Project Agency (DAPRA) and the Office of the Secretary of Defence (OSD) tasked Battelle to review UWB technologies and applications.

Author:  Charles Fowler, John Entzminger, James Corum  
Pages/Year: 5 /1990


87. Comments on "Antennas for Nonsinusoidal Waves. 1. Radiators" & Reply 58k

from IEEE Transactions on Electromagnetic Compatibility, Feb. 1984. See article "Antenna of Nonsinusoidal Waves. I.Radiator"

Author:  Juan A Morente, Rafael Gomez  
Pages/Year: 1 /1984


88. Introduction to Large Relative Bandwidth Radio Transmission 2528k

from article "Antennas and Waveguides for Nonsinusoidal Waves"

Author:  Henning F. Harmuth  
Pages/Year: 44 /1984


89. Antenna of Nonsinusoidal Waves. I.Radiator 821k

During the last years numerous application of nonsinosoidal electromagnetic waves have been discussed in this paper.

Author:  Henning F. Harmuth  
Pages/Year: 12 /1983


90. Antennas for Nonsinusoidal Waves: II Sensors 1214k

The use of basic large-current radiator - discussed in a previous paper - and the Hertzian electric dipole as sensor is investigated. If the sensor work into a large resistive load, typically implemented by an emmitter follower, its output voltage varies like the electric field strength, while a capacitive load produce an output voltage proportionate to the integral of field strength.

Author:  Henning F. Harmuth, Shao Ding-Rong  
Pages/Year: 9 /1983


91. Large-Current, Short-Length Radiator for Nonsinusoidal Waves 869k

During the last few years a considerable amount of work has gone into the study of applications of radio signals that do not use the conventional sinusoidal carrier.

Author:  Henning F. Harmuth, Shao Ding-rong  
Pages/Year: 4 /1983


92. The Origins and Use of Nonsinusoidal Waves in Radar and Radio communication 3964k

Introduction at Nonsinusoidal Waves for Radar and Radio Communication system. This article describe other aspect of nonsinusoidal technics.

Author:  Henning F. Harmuth  
Pages/Year: 43 /1981


93. Time-Domain Electromagnetics and Its Applications 3428k

The purpose of this paper is to introduce the reader to elements of time-domain electromagnetics, which include UWB technology and target-signature analysis.

Pages/Year: 21 /1978


94. Some Phisical Constrain on the Use of "Free Carier" waveforms in Radio-Wave Transmission system. 780k

We demonstrate in this paper that the band-limiting constraints of radiating system limit emmission of the low-frequency spectral components of such waveforms and severely restrice the radiation directivity that may be achived in systems that emloy them. We also find that dispersion in the propagating medium poses difficulties for the use of such waveforms, and we present an examle that illustrates their impracticality in a case in which medium-related limits on coherence band-widt are of concern.

Author:  J.R.Davis  
Pages/Year: 8 /1967