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73. An Ultra Wideband Communications Link for Unmanned Vehicle Applications 508k

This paper describes the design and performance characteristics of recently developed UWB transceivers which can be used for the LPI/D transmission of digital voice, data and high resolution video imagery.

Author:  Robert J Fontana, J Fred Larrick, Jeffrey E Cade  
Pages/Year: 6 /1997


74. Impulse Radio 1295k

Impulse radio, a form of ultra-wide band signaling, has properties that make it a viable candidate for short range communications in dense multipath environments. This paper describes the characteristics of impulse radio, gives analytical estimates of its multiple access capability, and presents propagation test results and their implications for the design of the radio receiver.

Author:  R.A. Scholtz  
Pages/Year: 24 /1997


75. Comparisons of Analog and Digital Impulse Radio for Wireless Multiple Access Communications 186k

Attractive features of time-hopping spread-spectrum multiple access systems employing impulse signal technology are outlined and emerging design issues are described. Performance of such communications systems in terms of multiple-access capability is estimated for both analog and digital data modulation formats under ideal multiple access channel conditions.

Pages/Year: 5 /1997


76. Ultra -Wide Bandwidth Signal Propagation for Indoor Wireless Communications 278k

Abstract|An ultra -wide bandwidth (UWB) signal propagation experiment is performed in a typical modern o±ce building in order to characterize the UWB signal propagation channel. The bandwidth of the signal used in this experiment is in excess of one GHz. Robustness of the UWB signal to fades is quanti?ed through histograms and cumulative distributions of the signal quality in various locations of the building. The results show that UWB signal does not surer fades.

Author:  Moe Z. Win and Robert A. Scholtz  
Pages/Year: 5 /1997


77. ATM Based Ultra-Wide Bandwidth Multiple-Access Radio Network For Multimedia PCS 223k

Abstract| Personal Communications System (PCS) promises to provide a variety of information exchanges among users with any type of mobility, at any time, in any place, through any available device. To achieve this ambitious goal, two of the major challenges in the system design are: (i) to provide a high speed wireless subsystem with large capacity and acceptable Quality of Service (QoS); and (ii) to design a network architecture capable of supporting the multimedia trafic and various kinds of user mobility. A novel time-hopping spread-spectrum wireless communication system called Ultra-Wide Bandwidth (UWB) radio is employed to provide low power, high data rate, fade-free, and relatively shadow-free communications in a dense multipath environment. Performance of such communications systems in terms of multiple-access capability is estimated for digital data modulation formats under ideal multiple access channel conditions. In our work, an Asynchronous Transfer Mode (ATM) network is used as the backbone network for PCS due to its high bandwidth, fast switching capability, °exibility, and well developed infrastructure. To minimize the impact caused by user mobility on the system performance, a hierarchical network control architecture is postulated. A wireless virtual circuit (WVC) concept is proposed to improve the transmission eficiency and simplify the network control in the wireless subsystem. The key advantage of this network architecture and WVC concept is that the hando® can be done locally most of the time due to the localization behavior of PCS users. The results of UWB signal propagation experiment demonstrate the feasibility of the UWB radio, its robustness in the multipath environment, and its potential to support multimedia trafic.

Author:  Moe Z. Win, Ji-Her Ju, Xiaoxin Qiu, Victor O. K. Li, and Robert A. Scholtz  
Pages/Year: 8 /1997


78. Signal Selection for the Indoor Wireless Impulse Radio Channel 178k

|In this paper we investigate communications using quaternary pulse position data modulation over the indoor impulse radio multiple access channel disturbed with multipath. The performance of four quaternary signal sets with diferent correlation properties is assessed.

Author:  Fernando Ram  rez-Mireles, Moe Z. Win, and Robert A. Scholtz  
Pages/Year: 3 /1997


79. N-Orthogonal Time-Shift-Modulated Codes for Impulse Radio 164k

N-orthogonal signal set consists of M = NL equal energy, equal time duration signals that have the following two properties: (1) The signal set may be divided into L disjoint subsets, each subset containing N signals, and (2) Signals from di erent subsets are orthogonal. In this paper we describe the construction of N-orthogonal sets when L is a positive integer, using Multiple-Time-Shift-Keyed modulation. This signals are of interest in the Impulse Radio Channel, where the communication waveforms convey information exclusively in the time shift values and consist of trains of time-shifted ultra-narrow pulses.

Author:  Fernando Ram  rez-Mireles and Robert A. Scholtz  
Pages/Year: 4 /1997


80. Performance of Ultra-Wideband Time-Shift-Modulated Signals in the Indoor Wireless Impulse Radio Channel 178k

Impulse radio (IR) is a spread spectrum (SS) wireless technique in which ultra- wideband (UWB) communication waveforms that consist of trains of time- shifted sub-nanosecond pulses are modulated to convey information exclusively in the relative time position of the pulses. In this paper we make an assessment of the performance of non-binary IR modulation in the presence of multipath with detection using a Rake receiver.

Author:  Fernando Ram  rez-Mireles, Moe Z. Win, and Robert A. Scholtz  
Pages/Year: 5 /1997