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49. Micropower Impulse Radar Technology and Applications 18865k

This is an informal report intended primarily for internal or limited external distribution. The opinionsand onclusions stated are thoseof theauthorand may or may not be those of the Laboratory. Work performed under the auspices of the U.S. Department of Energy by the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory under Contract W-7405-Eng-48.

Author:  J. Mast, S. Azevedo, W. Haddad,
L. Ng, G. Burnett  
Pages/Year: 14 /1998


50. Ultra-Wideband Synthetic Aperture Radar for Mine Field Detection 107k

A full-wave model is developed for electromagnetic scattering from buried and surface land mines (both conducting and plastic), taking rigorous account of the lossy, dispersive and potentially layered properties of soil. The (polarimetric) theoretical results are confirmed via synthetic aperture radar (SAR) measurements, performed using the US Army Research Laboratory’s BoomSAR, with which fully polarimetric ultra-wideband (50-1200 MHz) SAR imagery is produced. The SAR system is used to acquire a large data base of imagery, including a significant distribution of naturally occurring clutter. Several techniques are used for mine detection with such data, including several detectors which are based on target features gleaned from the modeling, as well as a matched-filter-like detector that directly incorporates the target signatures themselves. In addition, the theoretical model is used to predict wave phenomenology in various environments (beyond the limited range of parameters that can be examined experimentally). Since the efficacy of radar-based subsurface sensing depends strongly on the soil properties, we perform a parametric study of the dependence of such on the target RCS and on possible and-mine resonances. (Sorry, w/o pictures ONLY TEXT)

Author:  Lawrence Carin, Norbert Geng and Mark McClure  
Pages/Year: 29 /1998



About breadboarded, amateur version, working somewhere near 800 MHz, was devel-oped (just to see the magic in it) at the University of Rome “La Sapienza” in a col-laboration between the Centre for Biomedical Engineering and the Electronic En-gineering Dept. of the same University.

Author:  Enrico M. Staderini  
Pages/Year: 13 /1998


52. An Ultra Wideband Synthetic Vision Sensor for Airborne Wire Detection 139k

This paper describes the design and development of the ultra wideband ensor, as well as performance results achieved during field testing at NSWC’s Dahlgren, VA facility. These results are compared with those achieved with a high resolution EHF radar and a laser-based detection system.

Author:  R. J. Fontana, J. F. Larrick, J. E. Cade & E. P. Rivers  
Pages/Year: 9 /1998


53. Comments of Time Domain Corporation 109k

Time Domain Corporation has developed highly beneficial products using its time modulated ultra-wideband (“TM-UWB”) technology.

Author:  none  
Pages/Year: 46 /1998


54. Response to FCC 98-208 Notice of Inquiry in the Matter of Revision of Part 15 of the Commission’s Rules Regarding Ultra-Wideband Transmission Systems 191k

TEM Innovations is a technology generation firm headed by the inventor of Micropower Impulse Radar (MIR). MIR is a low-cost UWB impulse technology that has attracted over 5000 inquiries and has been licensed to dozens of companies by Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory. Wideband (WB) pulsed-RF sensors currently in development at TEM Innovations are also generating the same high level of interest.

Author:  Thomas E. McEwan  
Pages/Year: 15 /1998


55. Comments of The Ultra-Wideband Working Group 45k

Owerview of UWB technology.Ultra-wideband (“UWB”) technologies can save lives, protect property, and provide for more effective uses of radio in a variety of applications that largely involve short range low power operations. Many of these are not feasible without UWB; others can be enhanced greatly by the use of UWB.

Author:  none  
Pages/Year: 22 /1998


56. Comments of The ExtremeSpectum Inc. 140k

The ExtremeSpectrum is telecommunication company currently engaged in development UWB communication device. In this paper, company write about UWB transmission system.

Author:  none  
Pages/Year: 13 /1998


57. Limits of Detection of Buried Landmines Based on Local Echo Contrasts 343k

This paper describes some works, being carried out in the IRCTR, focused on landmine detection by using an ultra-wideband (UWB) impulse Ground Penetrating Radar (GPR). In landmine detection, a ground penetrating radar has to deal with multiple, lossy, probably inhomogeneous medium problems, and its performance is associated with the properties of local soil and buried targets, implementation of its hardware and software. It is more significant for a carrierless video pulse radar to use the term, peak power, in a sense of detection of buried targets. Concerning reflected signal levels, the contrast of electromagnetic characteristics between a buried landmine and its surrounding soil is of utmost importance. The analysis shows that a minimum discernable signal (MDS) being approximately as low as -100 dB below the transmitted peak power of a GPR system is demanded so that signals scattered from various non-metallic landmines buried in a variety of typical grounds can be detected by radar. This is of great difficulty for conventional time-domain impulse radar system to achieve such a goal. Improvements and modifications are necessarily needed specially for GPR landmine detection. We discuss the various key factors within this problem which can yield results worthy of being used in system design/configuration by means of a far-field, two-medium approach.

Author:  B. Sai, I. Morrow, P. van Genderen  
Pages/Year: 5 /1998


58. Impulse Radio: How it works 233k

Impulse radio,a formofultra-wideband-width(UWB)spread spectrum signaling,has properties that make it aviable candidate for short range communication sindense multipath environments.This letter describes the characteristics of impulse radio using a modulation for matthat can be supported by currently available impulse signal technology and gives analytical estimate sofits multiple access capability under ideal multiple access channel conditions.

Author:  Moe Z. Win, Robert A. Scholtz  
Pages/Year: 3 /1998


59. Wireless Multiple-Access Using SS Time-Hopping and Block Waveform Pulse Position Modulation, (Part 1: Signal Design) 159k

In this paper we describe di erent block waveform pulse-position-modulated (PPM) signal sets constructed using impulse technology. In each case the design method is given, the normalized correlation properties are discussed, the performance in additive white Gaussian noise (AWGN) is analyzed, and receiver simplication for large signal sets is illustrated.

Author:  Fernando Ram  rez-Mireles and  Robert A. Scholtz  
Pages/Year: 4 /1998


60. Wireless Multiple-Access Using SS Time-Hopping and Block Waveform Pulse Position Modulation, (Part 2: System Performance) 166k

In this paper we analyze the performance of spread spectrum multiple-access (MA) using time hopping (TH) and pulse position modulation (PPM) in combination with impulse technology. For di erent block waveform (PPM) signal design, the multiple-access performance is analyzed in terms of the number of users supported by the system for a given bit error rate, bit transmission rate, and number of signals in the block waveform set.

Author:  Fernando Ram  rez-Mireles and  Robert A. Scholtz  
Pages/Year: 4 /1998


61. On the Robustness of Ultra -Wide Bandwidth Signals in Dense Multipath Environments 184k

The results of an ultra -wide bandwidth (UWB) signal propagation experiment, using the bandwidth in excess of one GHz, performed in a typical modern o±ce building are presented. Robustness of the UWB signal in multipath is quanti?ed through cumulative distribution functions of the signal quality in various locations of the building. The results show that UWB signal does not su®er multipath fading.

Author:  Moe Z. Win  
Pages/Year: 3 /1998


62. Time-Shift-Keyed Equicorrelated Signal Sets for Impulse Radio M-ary Modulation 233k

In this paper we study M-ary time-shift-keyed signal sets constructed using impulse technology. For the equicorrelated signals case the construction method is given, the correlation properties are discussed, the performance in additive white Gaussian noise is analyzed, and receiver simpli cation is illustrated.

Author:  Fernando Ram  rez-Mireles and Robert A. Scholtz  
Pages/Year: 5 /1998


63. UWB Industry Fate May Hinge on Review 34k

….Use of ultrawideband technologies could enhance aviation safety by providing improved ground security and location capabilities… (The article from AVIATION WEEK & SPACE TECHNOLOGY/DECEMBER 14,1998)

Pages/Year: 2 /1998


64. Multiple-Access with Time Hopping and Block Waveform PPM Modulation 196k

The use of time-hopped block waveform encoding PPM signals sets for multiple access communications is studied. The multiple access performance is analyzed in terms of the number of users supported by the system for a given bit error rate and bit transmission rate. The analysis shows that this technique is potentially able to provide multiple-access communications with a combined transmission capacity of over 500 Megabits per second at bit error rates in the range10.

Author:  Fernando Ram  rez-Mireles and Robert A. Scholtz  
Pages/Year: 5 /1998


65. Multiple-Access Performance Limits with Time Hopping and Pulse Position Modulation 190k

The use of spread spectrum time hopping in combination with pulse position modulation for multiple access communications is studied. The multiple access performance is described in terms of the number of users supported by the system for a given bit error rate and bit transmission rate. Expressions for the maximum number of users and maximum transmission capacity in bits per second are found. Asymptotic values for these quantities are derived.

Author:  Fernando Ram  rez-Mireles and Robert A. Scholtz  
Pages/Year: 5 /1998


66. FCC Mulls Wider Commercial Use of Radical Radio Technology 43k

Known variously as ultra-wide-band radio and digital pulse wireless, the new technology has a broad range of possible applications, from wireless voice and high-speed data communications to land mine detection and advanced radar systems that could permit law officers to see through walls or could aid cars in avoiding collisions.

Pages/Year: 4 /1998


67. Communicating Below a Whisper 28k

The article reprinting from NewYork Times

Pages/Year: 2 /1998


68. Evalution of the Propagation Characteristics of Ultra-Wideband Communication Channels 952k

A nowel application of the Clean algorithm is proposed to characterize ultra-wideband communication channels from measured data.

Author:  Robert Scholtz  
Pages/Year: 5 /1998


69. Evalution of the Multipath Characteristics of the Impulse Radio Channel 677k

In order to estimate performance of impulse radio communication system, a characterization of the channel is required. In particular, knowledge of the multiparth angle and time-of-arrival distributions is useful for predicting the performance of diversity reception sheemes.

Author:  Fernando Ram  rez-Mireles and Robert A. Scholtz  
Pages/Year: 5 /1998


70. Hybrid analytical–numerical approach for modeling transient wave propagation in Lorentz media 393k

The remainder of the signal is then transformed by use of a numerical FFT. We demonstrate that it is possible to construct functions that possess analytical inverse transforms and also asymptotically model the low- and high- frequency behavior of a field propagating in a single- resonance Lorentz medium. In this paper we develop a hybrid analytical numerical technique whereby analytical techniques are used in con-junction with a numerical FFT to address the problem of UWB pulse propagation in a homogeneous, single-resonance Lorentz medium.

Author:  S. L. Dvorak and R. W. Ziolkowski  
Pages/Year: 15 /1998


71. Response to FCC 98-208 Notice of Inquiry in the Matter of Revision of Part 15 of the Commission’s Rules Regarding Ultra-Wideband Transmission Systems 43k

The remainder of the signal is then transformed by use of a numerical FFT. We demonstrate that it is possible to construct functions that possess analytical inverse transforms and also asymptotically model the low- and high- frequency behavior of a field propagating in a single- resonance Lorentz medium. In this paper we develop a hybrid analytical numerical technique whereby analytical techniques are used in con-junction with a numerical FFT to address the problem of UWB pulse propagation in a homogeneous, single-resonance Lorentz medium.

Author:  John Benway  
Pages/Year: 9 /1998


72. To the FCC Commissioners 4k

Sadly I must report that although I live in one of the technologically richest counties in this country, the best (affordable) access I can achieve from my residence is via a 56kbps modem. Permitting the rule changes that will allow for UWB spread spectrum will dramatically increase the odds that myself and others across the nation will be able to achieve affordable last mile connectivity. Consumers have been waiting for too long for the Telecommunications monopolies (Baby Bells) to deliver on the stated promise of affordable access. Cable modems offer tremendous promise, but many cable operators are too hesitant to invest in the infrastructure and upgrades required in their cable plants to allow for high speed bidirectional access. Likewise, the cable operators are traditional monopolies and work with the rapidity that is expected from a monopoly. UWB Spread Spectrum is the only logical last mile choice that will make it truly affordable and available to consumers. The promise of high speed access today is only delivered based upon a random process of where you live and what services are in place at the moment. UWB Spread Spectrum could represent that choice.

Author:  Paul Werner  
Pages/Year: 1 /1998